Monday, February 11, 2008

Google Docs in the Classroom

Additional research has focused on targeted groups of educators who may be using Google Apps and Google Groups particularly education groups. Many universities continue to signup for Google Apps and report substantial benefits. There is a huge difference in what they are doing campus wide and what I am doing in a classroom. I have contacted four teachers who have related their use of Google Docs in the classroom. Their reports are favorable but without any hard data as to successes they have documented. I continue to feel like a trail blazer.

I have discovered there are other “competing” on-line collaborative tools like Zoho. Users tout their superiority to Google Apps but I feel that the strength of Google carries a degree of sustainability that other products, though fine products, do not promise. Google has made a huge commitment to education offering Apps at no cost.

I continue to prepare for my presentation at the UCET conference February 29th and March 1st. I hope to enlist the cooperation of any teachers who attend my session. They will at least have a basic interest if nothing beyond curiosity. If there are any who are already using Google Docs, I hope to establish a reciprocal dialog about implementation and best practices.

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